
Below are the procedures required for our products.


  1. Bit is completely cleaned; on open bearing all mud and foreign material is purged from bearings.
  2. Bit is thoroughly inspected as follows:
    1. Seals are checked for effectiveness (journal and sealed roller).
    2. Jet nozzles are removed and nozzle bosses cleaned and inspected. New O-rings are installed. Nozzle boss is greased and jet is cleaned and reinstalled with new snap ring where applicable.
    3. Pin is inspected visually.
  3. If bit has passed the above, it is retipped.
  4. When bit is finished being retipped, it is ring gaged.
  5. On all open bearing, sealed and journal bearing bits, bit leg is hardfaced for added protection.
  6. Bit is painted and ring gaged a second time to insure accuracy.
  7. Bit is now ready for use.

Other services include 24 hour service, and supply specified nozzles with our bits.